Marketing Customer Stories

YouTube Influencer (1 of 7)

Hi there!

This week we’re talking about becoming a YouTube influencer and
using that influence to market your brand.

An influencer is someone who’s branded themselves as an expert
in their niche, and has built a huge audience for that expertise.

In today’s email, we’ll take a look at how you can take your
influencer video marketing to the next level by using customer

There’s almost no better way to tell the story of your product
or service than by using your own customer’s stories.

Rather than a video of you bragging about your company or showing
pictures of your merchandise, your videos will allow satisfied
customers to sell your brand themselves.

The audience will see other people just like themselves, and will
connect more with those videos than they might with a more typical

But how do you get customer review videos? It’s actually pretty
simple — and you usually don’t have to do more than offer a small
freebie to get them to help you advertise.

Many people will be happy to help create a video just for the thrill
of being on “your show” and getting their 15 minutes of fame.

With those, all you have to do is make sure their names are mentioned
and that their efforts are publicly appreciated.

“Thanks to George Doe, one of our best customers, for this great
video!” is all those customers need by way of “payment.”

With others, you might offer to provide a free product or
service — if they will return the favor by filming themselves with
that product or using that service.

Unboxing videos are very popular now, so you might film the customer
opening the package and describing the product to your audience.

Or if you offer services rather than products, film the customer’s
satisfied use of those services.

How-To videos are also popular, and a How-To from a customer will
go farther than one by yourself.

Film your customer using the product or service and describing
how it works as they do so. People love to learn how something works,
and this way you get two bangs for your buck.

The audience will be happy to learn about your products or services,
and they’ll see a satisfied customer who will encourage them to jump
onboard and purchase their own product or service.

Another idea for customer videos is the “Around the World With X”
video, where X is the name of your company.

Simply have a contest where the entry ticket is a film of the customer
holding your product in a recognizable location — say, the Brooklyn
Bridge or a by a famous waterfall.

Or anywhere, really, that isn’t just a generic room in someone’s

Raffle off one of your products or services to a random filmmaker
and you should get tons of entries from your customers, especially
if you allow them to send in multiple films and receive multiple

The idea is to allow your satisfied customers to sell your company
for you. And the idea works extremely well if you use a little
creativity when making your videos.

See if you can come up with even more ideas for a customer-generated
video for your channel.

“Showcase one or two video clips on YouTube,” says Div Manickham of
Dell Boomi, “and your customers will be your advocates, sharing with
the world how you helped them to be true heroes…Showcase your product
in ‘One Day in the Life of a Customer.’”

In tomorrow’s email, we’ll take a look at those How-To videos and
how to use them in marketing.

Until then,


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